This Week's First Quarter Moon, Puts ACTION First
There is a first quarter moon this week Thursday and Friday. How are you going to take action? Last week's New Moon Solar Eclipse blasted doors of opportunity open (it linked to September 27th of 2015--so you can get some hints there)!
I am deep diving into E.M.B.O.D.Y. Evolution beginning TODAY, and I invite you to join.
Want to take first-quarter moon action? Jump in! There is some big space holding and accountability ticking available for embodying the truth of who you were born to be.
There will be three calls this week in alignment with E.M.B.O.D.Y. Evolution:
- Monday, TODAY @ 11 AM CST (9 AM PST, 12 PM EST)
- Tuesday, 4.25 @ 5 PM CST (3 PM PST, 6 PM EST)
* This will be a group clearing call with Intuitive Guide, Maureen McRae - Thursday, 4.27 @ 5 PM CST (3 PM PST, 6 PM EST)
We’re about to have fun together, you, I, and the rest of the E.M.B.O.D.Y. One community, if you say yes.
Big love,
P.S. The doors are officially (and briefly) open to E.M.B.O.D.Y. One, my mentorship community! Not a member? In this safe container (there really is no other like it I have found), you are guided to align with the moon's cycles, take giant leaps, ignite your intuition, and remove anything standing in the way of your true home frequency. Enrollment only opens twice a year, and the doors are OPEN NOW!
If you are a current member of E.M.B.O.D.Y. One - I AM DELIGHTED TO WELCOME YOU BACK! Respond to this email, and my gift to you is a card pull and Angel Message!
Join Me
E.M.B.O.D.Y. EVOLUTIONLatest Angel Message Monday