{3 7}: Aligning with the Waxing Gibbous – From Gemini to Cancer

We are moving through the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini, carrying the momentum from yesterday’s First Quarter Moon and preparing for the next phase as the energy shifts into Cancer. This is a moment of expansion, refinement, and emotional alignment as we build toward the upcoming Full Moon!

Gemini’s air energy has encouraged curiosity, communication, and flexibility, while Cancer will bring depth, intuition, and emotional awareness. This transition is asking us to bridge the mind and the heart, balancing logic and intuition as we prepare for what’s next.  

One powerful way to raise your frequency this weekend is to align your thoughts with your emotions!

With Gemini’s mental energy still active, you may find yourself overanalyzing or seeking external validation. As we shift into Cancer’s nurturing influence, now is the time to check in with your emotions and let your feelings guide you. Let it be ease-FULL:

1) Notice where your thoughts and emotions are misaligned.
2) Write down what your mind is telling you vs. what your heart feels.
3) Ask: How can I bring them into harmony?

AND maybe it comes with action you can take at this moon phase.

This is about embracing both clarity and depth—allowing the mind to organize and the heart to lead. (Hint: Then take action based on where that is leading you.)

This is your opportunity to bridge intellect with intuition, release mental clutter, and prepare for the emotional depth of the Full Moon ahead! Let's do it!  

Big love,

Take Action, Re-treat With Me!

North Star Soul Retreat

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{3 7}: Aligning with the Waxing Gibbous – From Gemini to Cancer
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