{8.9}: A Reading to Help You Take Action for Monday's First Quarter Moon!

We are approaching the first quarter moon in Scorpio, which occurs on Monday. We are invited to take decisive action for transformation! Get ready to dig deep, take action for change, and step into power.

May today's reading support you, and here are three ways to activate Monday's energy!

1. Shadow Work: Scorpio energy encourages us to explore the depths of our subconscious. Take time to reflect on fears, doubts, or unresolved emotions that may be holding you back. Journaling, meditating, or deep conversing with a trusted friend can allow the shadow to surface and heal.

2. Habitual Living: Whether you’re starting a new meditation routine, engaging in a daily yoga practice, or diving into a creative project, choose something that feels transformative and commit to it. Scorpio’s intensity supports us in making lasting changes.

3. Make a Retreat Plan: This is a time for transformation, and nothing supports a growth process like a retreat! As we navigate this first quarter Moon, make a plan to retreat, take time for yourself, and create space for growth. On that note ... Qi Alchemy Retreat is coming up in April 2025. A few beds are left, so if you're feeling called to join, the Scorpio Full Moon is the perfect time to say yes to the transformation that awaits you!

Enjoy the flow, and may you create meaningful change to align with your truth.

Sent with love, light, and actionability!

Retreat With Me in Luxury!


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