{8.7}: Lion's Gate Tomorrow - 8.8

Tomorrow is the Lions Gate Portal. Some are really into it, some allow it to go right by without a second thought. Make of it what you want, and know it's a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.

There is nothing "new age" about this time. This gateway has roots that go back to the ancient Egyptians and for thousands of years, activating good energy and abundance. It's a powerful time with the sun in Leo and the rising of Sirius on the horizon (Sirius is often associated with the expansive qualities of Jupiter, bringing in big blessings!

It is a time for ...

🌝 Manifestation
🌝 Co-creation
🌝 Embodiment
🌝 Life's Blessings
🌝 Harvesting and celebrating the bountiful gifts in life

Because my own 8.8 portal is bringing me varying expansion, and I am situating my new office, I am doing Angel Message Monday a tad differently.

Take a glance below, breathe, then notice if you are called to left, center, or right.

Scroll a little further and let the message unfold for you. May you find this to be helpful and expansive!!

Once you have chosen

left ...

center ...

or right ...

keep scrolling and see the reveal!

If you chose position left: Three of Air and the message "I let my intimate relationships be my greatest learning devices for spiritual growth and healing." This combination is nudging you to release the sadness and what doesn't work (though only after feeling it and receiving the message - don't bypass.) Thile this tarot card is about emotional release, it's also connected to the opening which will happen after a setback or loss. What ebbs will flow. This an excellent time to have a good cry, expressing your sadness, and lt out to the better times that are here. Allow any dense emotions to flow out of you - don't keep them in. Especially the ones associated with relationships during this very interesting and intense Venus retrograde. It's not the time to pretend like everything is okay if you are feeling otherwise. However, it is vital  you continue to focus on what lies ahead. Don't get too absorbed in the up and down emotions you lose sight of the need to move forward. Focus on forward movement and action - not pain or sadness. Accept and move forward during this powerful 8.8 energy portal.

If you chose position center: Page of Water and the message "I don't dance around the perimeter of the person I want to be; I step in fully and completely." This tarot card signals a new person entering your life or a relationship beginning a new phase - and this combo suggests that might just be within your own cells and the relationship with you. At a time that is so powerful, and you are able to manifest with the abundant energy around you, go big. While on a physical level, Pages can represent young children through to young adults. However, Pages also can be representative of those who are young at heart or who are discovering a new aspect of themselves. Again - this may be you!! The time is now to be who you came to be - do what you want to do. What is calling toyour heart?? Use this 8.8 portal to dig into that and truly let your independent you be free. It is the perfect time to allow your heart's wishes to be seen, and for you to give yourself permission to follow them. Where are you holding back??

If you chose position right: Eight of Water and the message "To truly flourish is to release all the tension that holds me back from letting love pour through me." The Eight of Water or Cups is a signal you may be ready to move onto something greater. Something must have been nudging you for a bit, calling you to move forward. Use this 8.8 portal to step into growth and activate next level living. Do you know what it is you want for higher frequency living?? This combo takes me back to my very first business name; Flourish Feng Shui. It was the start of being devoted to helping people truly flourish from the inside, out. The spark and the start of letting love pour through my life, in service. What is that for you?  How can you release the density and allow for more love to come through you in service for the greater good and for higher frequency living. Also whispering here is the possibly the need for a bit more sleep, or paying attention to your sleep time rituals.

Out of the past and into the future!

Take your heart-centered service to the next level. Move out of the past and into the future!

Soul Immersion Retreat

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