{8.21}: Take Action this Week in Alignment with the First Quarter Moon
The New Moon in Leo prompted us to restructure family dynamics, listen to the inner child, and get creative.
And I have the perfect invitation for you to do all of the above, LIVE WITH ME!! I am doing a round of Play by Play Feng Shui, with a Nine Week Accelerator! It starts TODAY, and the first immersion call is Friday the 25th!
You can still join today and co-create a harmonious and inspired living space with me!
If you already own Play-by-Play Feng Shui, sign up for an additional Nine Week Accelerator Program here!
If you are new to Play by Play Feng Shui, and want to join for all - you can sign up here!
(If you are an E.M.B.O.D.Y. One member - don't forget to use your member discount code!)
Wishing you a week filled with cosmic creativity, alluring action-taking, and fun Feng Shui living always!
Sending you good vibes from our home to yours! XO
Feng Shui With Me!
Join the Nine Week Accelerator ProgramLatest Angel Message Monday