{8.2}: A Reading to Help You Spark Your Light with the New Moon in Leo
We're on the cusp of the New Moon in Leo, which arrives this Sunday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FELLOW LEOS!
The vibrant, fiery energy of Leo encourages us to shine our inner light and embrace our authentic selves. This is a powerful time for setting intentions that align with our true passions and desires.
To help support you in raising your frequency and staying in flow, here are the three reflection points and journal prompts for you:
1. What bold steps can I take to express my true self? Reflect on how you can be more courageous and authentic in your actions.
2. What brings me joy, and how can I incorporate more of it into my daily life? Leo's energy is all about joy, creativity, and playfulness. Think about what activities or pursuits light you up and consider how to prioritize them.
3. How can I lead with my heart and inspire others? Leo is the sign of the heart and natural leadership. Reflect on how you can lead by example, inspire those around you, and make a positive impact on your community.
Speaking of community, if you are an E.M.B.O.D.Y. One Member, Don't forget that we have our New Moon in Leo ritual gathering tomorrow, Saturday! This will be a beautiful opportunity to set your intentions with the supportive energy of the community and harness this potent lunar energy.
In close, my fiery, passionate, retreat-loving self is delighted to announce that there are only a few spots left for the Qi Alchemy Retreat in April 2025.
This retreat will be an incredible journey of transformation and connection, set in a stunning location. If you feel called to join us, now is the time to secure your spot! Reach out, and we can chat options!
Let’s harness the powerful energy of the Leo New Moon to set bold intentions and create a life that truly lights us up. I look forward to journeying with you.
With love and light,
Retreat With Me in Luxury!