{712}: Take Action Under the First Quarter Moon in Libra

As we navigate the first quarter moon in Libra during Cancer season, it's an ideal time to take action on our intentions and bring balance to our lives.

Libra's energy encourages us to seek harmony and justice, while Cancer season invites us to connect with our emotions and intuition.

Here are three powerful ways to take action and raise your frequency during this transformative time:

1. Create Balance in Relationships: Take some time to reflect on the key relationships in your life. Are there areas where you can bring more balance and harmony, a conversation you've been putting off, or a need to set healthier boundaries?

2. Dive into Personal Growth: Invest in your personal development. Whether it's reading a new book, starting a meditation practice, or setting aside time for self-reflection, prioritize activities that help you grow.

3. Set an Intention to Join a Transformative Retreat: I'm thrilled to announce three incredible immersion and retreat opportunities coming up! I just announced ....... April 2025, we'll head to the serene landscapes of Mexico for a rejuvenating retreat focused on healing and transformation for Qi Alchemy Retreat in Mexico! This is a luxury retreat experience designed to help you connect with your higher self, transmute the old, and align with your most optimal frequency. Secure your spot now to be part of this life-shifting experience!

So there we have it! Embrace the first quarter moon in Libra; let's take meaningful action to align with our highest selves and create a balanced, fulfilling life!

Big Love,

Retreat With Me in Luxury!


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