{6.26}: Take Action on the First Quarter Moon!

I have two exciting announcements to share with you!

Firstly, as the first quarter is upon us, I want to remind you of the immense power this lunar phase holds. Today is the day to focus on:

☾ strength
☾ balance and harmony now
☾ sharing your good, bad, ugly, and pretty feelings
☾ motivation
☾ be who you really are no matter what
☾ taking action
☾ reflecting on your goals and aspirations
☾ infusing your life with determination

Let's seize this opportunity, and manifest our dreams into reality!

Secondly, I am thrilled to present to you an extraordinary opportunity to embark on a transformative journey. Last week I announced the Soul Immersion Retreat in Mexico! This retreat is designed to nourish your mind, body, soul, and home, through various holistic practices, including meditation, subtle energy medicine healing, human design, and intuitive growth deep dives, over an intimate week.

Surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Mexico's natural landscapes, you'll find yourself immersed in a serene and rejuvenating environment that facilitates deep introspection and self-discovery.

If you're ready to embark on this remarkable journey with me, and invest in your personal growth, I invite you to click here or the button below to learn more about the Soul Immersion Retreat in Mexico!

Space is very limited to an intimate group, so if you know it's yours - secure your spot early to avoid missing out on this life-changing experience.

Remember, the first quarter moon is a catalyst for action, and the Soul Immersion Retreat is a gateway to transformation. Take charge of your destiny and join us on this incredible journey toward self-discovery and empowerment.

Sending you abundant blessings and positive vibes as you embark on your personal growth journey.

May today's Angel Message support your journey!

Out of the past and into the future!

Take your heart-centered service to the next level. Move out of the past and into the future!

Soul Immersion Retreat

Latest Angel Message Monday

{1.24}: Elevate Your Energy for a Solid Start to the Lunar New Year
INSIDE: 3 Ways To Raise Your Vibration & Ritualize the Lunar New Year
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{1.17}: Kick Start Your Vibration, Raise Your Frequency
INSIDE: Raise Your Frequency with this Ritual
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{1.10}: Working with the Gemini Waxing Gibbous & Cancer Full Moon
INSIDE: A Two-Part Path to Clarity and Emotional Renewal
Read More
{1.3}: Align with the Flow of the Moon to Raise Your Vibration
INSIDE: Raise Your Vibe with the Moon
Read More

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