{6.14}: Take Action TODAY with the First Quarter Moon

Welcome the First Quarter Moon TODAY, a lunar phase all about taking action and moving forward with the intentions you set during the New Moon! It’s a time to push through obstacles and make tangible progress on your goals.

Today, the invitation is to focus on proactive steps that align with your aspirations. Whether it’s starting a new project, making a decision you’ve been pondering, or simply taking the next step toward your dreams, today is the day to act!

Annnnnnnd .... be mindful of the Void of Course Moon from 10:54 AM PST to 11:12 AM PST in Libra. During this short period, it's best to avoid mediating, negotiating, or engaging in legal matters as the energy isn’t conducive to these activities.

Instead, use this time to focus on something more introspective and creative—like creating a vision board, journaling your thoughts, or reflecting on your relationship goals.

Embrace the momentum of the First Quarter Moon, and use the brief void moon period to realign and visualize your partnership dreams. Every small action taken today is a step closer to living in optimal flow and alignment.

Keep shining and moving forward, and I'll see you next week for more Frequency & Flow Friday!

Latest Angel Message Monday

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