{4.12}: Embrace Action and Intuition Under the First Quarter Moon

There is a fusion of Aries' dynamism from the Solar Eclipse on Monday, and Cancer's sensitivity approaching the First Quarter Moon next Monday; a time to discover how to listen to your heart's calling in a bigger way.

This is a time for intuition, self-reflection, and exploration of the harmonious fusion of the impulsive Aries and the tender Cancer, finding balance and alignment in our lives.

The first quarter moon in Cancer serves as a gentle reminder to listen attentively to the whispers of our hearts. It urges us not to ignore the yearnings that arise within but to sit with discomfort, ask ourselves difficult questions, and uncover the truths that lie beneath the surface.

Monday presents an opportunity to align our actions with our intuitive guidance, allowing us to navigate life with authenticity and purpose.

How are you doing that?! Where are you challenged if you aren't? AND I seriously want to know the answer to that question! Special offer ... the first 30 participants who respond to that question in the original Frequency & Flow Friday (www.ginanicole.net/blog/4-12-embrace-action-and-intuition-under-the-first-quarter-moon ), will receive an Oracle card pull to help you navigate it!

Let's dive into the essence of this powerful moon phase and harness its energies to deepen our connection with ourselves.

Sit in stillness, allowing the energy of the moon to envelop you. Listen to your heart's desires; it holds the keys to your true path. Explore any discomfort arising when you dare to question yourself, your choices, and your aspirations. Embrace the beauty of vulnerability and the transformative power it holds!

Big Love!

A Sacred Journey of Self-Discovery: Northern, CA May 22 - 26, 2024


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