{3.1}: Embracing Release: Last Quarter Moon Focus & Reflection

Happy Friday! Happy your eyes landed here ready to elevate your frequency and align in optimal flow!

As we approach the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius this Sunday, let's harness the energy of release and reflection to align with our true selves.

Keep in mind Sagittarius is linked to expansion, exploration, adventure, optimism, higher learning, philosophy, spirituality, and seeking meaning and purpose in life. What can you release in this areas for more expansion to come in!? There is a focus on the quest for truth and wisdom, as well as the pursuit of personal growth and freedom! May today's message be supporitve! 

There are three things I invite you to focus on: 

  1. Release and Let Go: Embrace the energy of the Last Quarter Moon to release what no longer serves you. Take time for introspection and identify any thoughts, emotions, or habits that hinder your growth. Release them with love and gratitude, making space for new blessings to enter your life.
  2. Reflect and Learn: Use this time for reflective learning. Look back on recent experiences and lessons, acknowledging your growth and areas for improvement. Allow the wisdom of Sagittarius to expand your perspective and inspire new insights.
  3. Seek Meaning and Purpose: Channel the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius to explore your life's purpose and meaning. Engage in activities that ignite your passion and align with your soul's calling. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and seek alignment with your true purpose.

And if you are ready to go deeper ... here are a couple of journal prompts to muse with this weekend:

  1. Reflect on a recent experience where you felt a strong sense of adventure or exploration. What did this experience teach you about yourself and your journey in life?
  2. Consider a belief or perspective that you're ready to release or let go of. Write about why you've held onto it, and explore how releasing this belief could open up new possibilities for growth and expansion in your life.

Remember, the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius offers us an opportunity for deep reflection and release. Embrace this to realign with your true self and step into your highest potential.

Reminder: Rituals of Remembrance Retreat - May 2024 * Before we conclude, a reminder about the upcoming Rituals of Remembrance Retreat in May 2024. There are TWO beds left; secure your place today and embark on a transformative journey of remembrance, ancestral connection and release, and personal enlightenment. Join me as we remember our light, honor our ancestors, and rediscover our purpose.

Big love!

Remember Your Light

Rituals of Remembrance Retreat

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