{12.1}: Let Go and Let it FLOW!

Welcome to Frequency and Flow Friday, a sacred space dedicated to raising your vibration and aligning with your highest self. Following the intensity of the recent full moon in Gemini, we now find ourselves in the waning phase, where energies are gradually dissipating. As we approach the last quarter moon next week, the cosmic energy is primed for cleanses, release, and letting go!!

To support you on your journey of raising your frequency, hit play and choose one, two, or three! May you receive a unique nudge to guide you in elevating your vibration!

As we navigate the cosmic energies of the waning moon and prepare for the last quarter moon, take this opportunity to reflect, release, and raise your frequency. Join us in the Frequency and Flow space, embrace the guidance, and step into a life that resonates with your truest self.

And don't forget to mark your calendar for the upcoming Rituals of Remembrance Retreat!

While the April retreat is sold out, there are still beds available for the May retreat in beautiful Northern California.

May your journey be filled with light, love, and a higher vibration. Happy Frequency and Flow Friday!


Remember Your Light

Rituals of Remembrance Retreat

Latest Angel Message Monday

{3 7}: Aligning with the Waxing Gibbous – From Gemini to Cancer
INSIDE: Easy peasy way to let your feelings guide!
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{2:28}: Healing, Intuiting & Aligning with the Pisces New Moon
INSIDE: Release, trust, create, align, flow.
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{2.21}: Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius – Release & Expand
ASK: What’s possible when I fully invest in my growth?!
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The latest featured on the Redfin blog!
Check out the recent article we were quoted in: 11 Tips
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