{11.17}: Embracing the First Quarter Moon (& Thanksgiving?) with a Rise in Frequency

Also worth a shout-out -  Thanksgiving is next Thursday (in the U.S.)--a time when hearts turn towards appreciation. What better way to express gratitude than by taking a conscious pause on the first quarter moon and immersing ourselves in the transformative energies it brings?!

It's a time of self-reflection and intentional action, and my hope is today's message serves as a cosmic doorway, inviting you to reassess your goals, release what no longer serves, and embrace new possibilities!

This first quarter moon is always an opportune time to take action to raise our frequencies.

This year, I also acknowledge the first quarter moon aligns with Thanksgiving in America. This confluence of celestial and earthly events offers a powerful moment to take action to cultivate deep appreciation —a cornerstone of growth in all ways!

So no matter what you choose today, keep in mind, gratitude has the unique ability to elevate our frequencies and open our hearts to the divine. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often overlook the blessings that surround us. Thanksgiving serves as a timely reminder to pause, reflect, and express heartfelt thanks for the abundance in our lives!

Take some time in meditation, journaling, and connecting with the Earth. Whether it's a walk in the park or a moment of stillness in your backyard, let the energy of the environment elevate your spirit.

Cheers to raising your frequency for optimal flow! As we all navigate the ever-changing currents of life, may our hearts be filled with appreciation and blessings this Thanksgiving week! XO

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Rituals of Remembrance Retreat

Latest Angel Message Monday

{1.24}: Elevate Your Energy for a Solid Start to the Lunar New Year
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{1.17}: Kick Start Your Vibration, Raise Your Frequency
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{1.3}: Align with the Flow of the Moon to Raise Your Vibration
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