{10.4}: Elevate Your Vibe During the Waxing Crescent in Scorpio

As we move through the Waxing Crescent in Scorpio after the powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, the energy around us may feel intense.


As we shift through a Scorpio moon, deep emotions can be stirred, and with lingering Libra themes—balance, justice, and relationships—there might be temptations to seek revenge or dwell on past hurts.

This is a time for healing and growth, NOT retaliation.  Shake any revenge vibes!

One of the most powerful ways to raise your frequency during this moon phase is through forgiveness. Holding onto anger or resentment lowers your vibration and keeps you stuck in the past. Instead, try this practice:  

Here is a super short Heart-Centered practice for Forgiveness & Release:

1. Get quiet, and BREATHE

2. Place your hands on your heart, close your eyes, and imagine soft, golden (or any color you choose) light filling your chest.

3. Think of a situation or person that has caused pain or imbalance recently. As you breathe in, visualize the light filling you, as the tension softens.

4. As you exhale, release negativity -- see shapes and colors leave your field.

5. Silently or out loud, say: "I release what no longer serves me. I forgive, not for them, but for me. I choose peace and higher ground."

6. Let the light expand, filling you with warmth and a renewed sense of harmony.

Loving the heart chakra healing vibes!? Check out the latest from the Chakra Series: "Heart Chakra: Your Fourth Energy Center Simplified and Applied" (Click Here to Order)!

Use this time to elevate yourself by letting go. This simple practice not only helps you stay grounded but also opens the door to deeper emotional healing as you move forward into the lunar cycle.

Remember, peace is the highest form of power!

Big love,

Retreat With Me in Luxury!


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