{10.25}: Embrace the Release and Elevate Your Vibration

Happy Friday!

As we navigate the energies of the Waning Crescent Moon in Leo, after a last quarter moon yesterday ... it's time to reflect, release, and rejuvenate.

This is a Divine phase of letting that shift go! Whatever is not serving you, gnawing at you, telling you to just release ... do it! Make space for new opportunities and growth.

SPEAKING OF GROWTH ... HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO MY HUSBAND MARIO! May this next year bring you more and more growth and love!

In celebration of the Last Quarter Moon yesterday, here are some practices to help you energetically let go and raise your frequency this weekend.

1. BURN BABY BURN: Write down what you want to release on paper. This can be limiting beliefs, negative emotions, or old patterns. Safely burn the paper, visualizing the release of these energies into the universe. As you do this, feel the weight lift and embrace the freedom of letting go.

2. TURN UP THE TUNES: Create a sacred space with your favorite sounds. Use instruments like singing bowls, chimes, or even your voice. Allow the vibrations to wash over you, helping to release stagnant energy. Visualize the sound frequencies, clearing away anything that holds you back and creating a fresh path for your intentions.

3. LITERALLY TOSS IT OUT (ESPECIALLY IF YOU CHOOSE POSITION TWO TODAY): Physically declutter your space by removing items that no longer resonate with you. As you move through your space in release, visualize the release of emotional and energetic baggage tied to those items. Make this a ritual by thanking each item for its service before letting it go. This practice raises your frequency and creates a more harmonious environment.

4. GET SALTY: Immerse yourself in a warm bath infused with Epsom salt, essential oils, and fresh herbs. As you soak, set an intention to release negativity and invite healing energy. Imagine the salt drawing out tension and toxicity from your body, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

5. IF YOU SEE IT, YOU CAN BE IT: Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and listen to a guided meditation focused on release and renewal. Visualize yourself standing under a waterfall, where the water washes away all you wish to let go of. Allow the soothing energy to fill you with light and clarity.

May today's video help you raise your frequency and get in flow by letting go! Release can be a helpful step toward coming closer to more of what we want to experience.

Big love,

Retreat With Me in Luxury!


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