{10.18}: 8 Ways to Elevate Your Frequency After the Fiery Full Moon in Aries 🔥

This motionable dance of the moons and starts never fails to inspire our minds and wills! After yesterday's Full Moon in Aries (are you still feeling it?), we’re in a good place to tune in, rejuvenate, and return to ourselves.

This lunar phase invites us to raise our frequency by activating fiery Aries, and using practices that will set us up for greater flow and alignment.

How do we do that!? Here is an action list of an abundant eight ideas for the weekend. Try one or all to move you through until next week's last quarter moon:

1) There are no substitutes for meditation and awareness right now! You can start your day with 10-15 minutes of visualization and/or deep breathing. Think of what you want and follow through with what you think of.

2) This is a time to initiate new plans filled with determination and enthusiasm. The power of Aries revolves around dissolving what’s limiting us. It pushes us into bold action in ways that help us flourish.

3) Pinpoint the places you need to act and have the courage to do so. Create a list of personal aspirations; ensure they are challenging but not impossible. Then, use Aries’ vitality to inspire you to move forward.

4) The energy is IN-TENSE right now. We have to ground in and keep it going. If you act, then notice confusion, discord, or limitations, GROUND!

5) Clear your space and mind — burn some palo santo or incense to rid yourself of the stuff around you not serving.

6) Express gratitude by writing three things you are grateful for today and through the week. This builds positivity yet sustains more energy, further propelling the self-strength Aries brings.

7) Be active in things that feel good for you naturally, like music, nature, or creating.

8) Use sound healing or binaural beats to re-calibrate your frequency.

These rituals not only increase your personal frequency but also help you gain a greater understanding of your relationship to the self and the world.

By applying any of the above, we can maximize our frequency and move toward our highest potential. Set an intention to elevate your vibration and watch how your ability to transform is enhanced!

Keep pushing your way toward alignment, one thought and action at a time, and know you are not alone! I am right here with you!

Big Love,

Retreat With Me in Luxury!


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{10.18}: 8 Ways to Elevate Your Frequency After the Fiery Full Moon in Aries 🔥
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