{10.11}: Boost Your Frequency During the Void of Course Moon TODAY

As we move through a powerful Waxing Gibbous in Capricorn, it’s a time to harness discipline and steady progress toward your goals.

Yesterday was a first-quarter moon in Capricorn, sparking us to take bold, intentional steps to align with our aspirations. This energy is about structure, focus, and building something solid for the future.

AND ... we will be in a Void of Course Moon from 8:53 AM to 9:31 AM PST TODAY! This is offering us a brief, yet crucial pause. Avoid pushing forward with group activities or brainstorming sessions during this time. Instead, use it as a sacred moment for personal reflection and relaxation.

Want a tip to raise your vibration for this VOC, and for the coming weekend? Here is a Feng Shui tip for  the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aquarius this weekend:

Aquarius energy invites innovation and fresh ideas. To support this flow, try rearranging a small part of your home or workspace—maybe move a piece of furniture or introduce a new plant. This will stir up any stagnant energy and make space for the new, helping spark creative inspiration and fresh perspectives as we prepare for the Full Moon, next week on the 17th!

And speaking of alignment—there are still a few spots left for the Qi Alchemy Retreat in April 2025! This is your chance if you feel called to deepen your personal growth and elevate your energetic practices. Imagine a week of profound transformation, daily energy work, and restorative practices in a luxurious setting in Mexico. We will be in deep rejuvenation for powerful alignment!

Wishing you clarity, reflection, and a beautiful weekend ahead.

Big Love,

P.S. If you are looking for the Rebel Oracle Card Deck, check it out here!

Retreat With Me in Luxury!


Latest Angel Message Monday

{10.11}: Boost Your Frequency During the Void of Course Moon TODAY
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