Which way does your pendulum swing? Or does it?!
And if you aren’t called to a specific pendulum, perhaps lean into your self if you are called to rose quartz, amethyst, or metal!Press play, and let’s find out what message awaits you!Before I go further … HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM (TODAY) AND DAD (WEDNESDAY)! YAHOOOO!!! LOVE YOU AND SORRY WE CAN’T BE WITH YOU!Now, up this week … I am still taking exploration calls for my mentorship program. In this program, you align with the flow of the moon, stay accountable for your frequency, and keep a clear vibe in our container. The theme for the next six months is to RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY so that you can access your INTUITION and get your own answers like the super hero you are!!Members always get special perks in my programs including discounts, a priority calendar for one on one sessions, and they skip the line for questions in the group calls!If you have questions or want to see if it might be a good next step, reach out!Finally, Friday is another prayer and energy share. All links are below! XO
Latest Angel Message Monday